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Why Prayer Ministry is important to Evangel Church of Vallejo


At ECV we believe that prayer is the way that we cultivate a love relationship with God and also how He responds to us. We are determined to model, teach, equip, and bring comfort to our church body in prayer and through prayer.  We believe what James 5:16 teaches which says that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective and that when we confess and pray for one another that healing can begin.  Jesus showed us the importance of prayer in times alone with the Father and also taught His disciples how to pray for those in need. Our fervent wish is to live in this way as Jesus taught us.

Prayer is simply communicating with God—listening and talking to him. Believers can pray from the heart, freely, spontaneously, and in their own words. The Lord Jesus Christ commanded, “To pray without ceasing. As we make a habit of approaching God in prayer, we will come to know Him and draw ever nearer to Him. Our desires will become more like His. We will be able to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that He is ready to give if we will but ask in faith.



An effective leader will guide the congregation to spread the gospel message of God’s love through witness and service in the community and the world. This congregation will have a plan for mission service opportunities for all ages and all stages of faith so that people live as Christian disciples transforming the world.

Our Missions Ministry equips disciples of Christ to share God’s love through gifts and service, creating hope and sustainable opportunities for those in need.


The Christian Education Ministry includes Sunday School, Bible Study, New Members Orientation, and Ministry Training.


The primary focus for the Christian Education Ministry is to nurture or build up the body of Christ through effective life changing biblical teaching.

The primary purpose of the Christian Education Ministry is to equip and assist each members of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church to become a mature believer of Jesus Christ through corporate and personal study of God’s Word and healthy fellowship with other believers. We accomplish these goals through age-appropriate studies designed for the entire family and small group interaction. Members are provided with opportunities to gather in a small group setting to study God’s Word and to build lasting relationships with other believers.


The Music and Worship ministry of Evangel Church of Vallejo is one big family of faithful servants whose desire is to glorify God and help lead more people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through the sharing of their amazing talents in MUSIC, MEDIA Production, DANCE and DRAMA in WORSHIP!


"Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord."
Ephesians 5:19




It takes a long time to make a disciple. We must give men permission to stand around the rim of what we are doing and observe. Men come along at different speeds. Give them permission to buy in at their own pace, and allow them to come on board at their own level of involvement.

Once a man at our outreach Bible study received Christ, but he was slow to let Christ influence some aspects of his behavior. One leader suggested we get a group of men to take this fellow to lunch and confront him on his behavior. But after some discussion, we agreed that we should show him Christ rather than just focusing on his behavior. We can point men to Christ, but the Holy Spirit must change their lives. That’s why we say, Christianity is not about behavior modification, it’s about heart transformation.

Five Responsibilities of Every Man. Every man must be taught that he must take personal responsibility for his own private life in five areas. No one else can or will do these for a man:

  1. His walk with God

  2. His relationship with his wife 

  3. His relationship with his children 

  4. His personal finances 

  5. His health

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We believe that women are the backbone of the church. Women’s contributions are vital to the mission and success of the church. Why, then, is women’s ministries needed? The active women’s ministries of Evangel Church of Vallejo can enhance its program in various ways. By ministering to the unique needs and by intentionally training and equipping women for service, women’s ministries can help ensure that every woman in the church finds a way to be involved in the mission of the church.
The purpose of the Women’s Ministries of ECV is to encourage, equip, promote, and challenge women in their journey as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His Church and to bring women's perspectives to the issues facing the Church. We believe that Women’s ministries should be ministry-driven. It should be much more than a retreat, or a potluck gathering. Women’s ministries is about ministry (service) and making a difference that will count for eternity. Although nurturing and social activities play a part in the overall women’s ministries program, the purpose of such events should be to help meet women’s needs and equip them for service.

Youth ministry can reach teens in Vallejo for the Church not just a church. Many teens don’t go to their church because it’s unhealthy and they know it is not working. Youth ministry gives us a chance to reach teens in our city and lead them to Christ. Youth ministry is not just about a single church, it is about advancing the mission of the universal Church God is advancing. We have reached teens in our city who will then plug into church with their family at a different church. We are here to serve our city, not just our church.

At Evangel Church of Vallejo, we aim to help teens follow Christ with all of their life. Tring to reach teens is not our only purpose. We are steered to shape them to look more like Jesus. This is not hype. We see this taking place by guiding teens to engage in worship, study God’s Word through relevant teaching, and process faith through small groups led by adult mentors. Our prayer is to lead teens to be followers of Jesus with all their life.
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