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“We Have Come This Far By Faith”


“On this rock I will build my church and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18
This church was conceived in a vision and came into being through persistent prayers, sacrifice, and hard
work. Ultimately, it is the ongoing story of the Lord still building His church and His people responding to
do His will.


Evangel Church of Vallejo, then the United Church of Christ in Vallejo, was born on May 1, 1983 through
the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ and responding to His calling in Matthew 9:37 – “The harvest is
plentiful but the laborers are few; pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers to the harvest.”


As we continue to grow physically and spiritually, we celebrate with gratitude to the Lord and to those
who have helped us to “Come this Far by Faith.” This vision that conceived many years ago still beacons
to us.


The ongoing story of the Lord building His church continues to unfold in our midst as lives are
ushered to our Lord Jesus Christ through our church ministries. We look back with gratitude for that
vision and the privilege to participate in its fulfillment. We look forward assured that He who called to
Evangel Church of Vallejo will continue to lead us all the way.


To us and to everyone, the story still goes on …

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