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Pastor Abner Nombrado joined Church of the Highlands in 1995 and eventually became an elder of the church. Pastor Abner has attended various theology and ministry classes through the support and kindness of Pastor Donald Sheley, then Senior Pastor of Church of the Highlands, San Bruno, CA. Because of the significant presence of Filipino residents in Southern California, he was tasked to assist in the process of developing the Filipino Ministry of the church. Pastor Abner was officially ordained as a pastor of COH in 2006 while working at AMGEN Biotech as supervisor of the Laboratory Services Department.

In 2007, he was called to fulltime position in the pastoral staff of Church of the Highlands as Associate Pastor in-charge of Congregational Ministry, Men’s Ministry, and Sports Ministry. In 2019, Church of the Highlands and Evangel Church of Vallejo forged a partnership in their mutual passion to reach out to the lost. Because of this partnership, Pastor Abner was accepted, ordained, and designated as the Senior Pastor of Evangel Church of Vallejo, CA in May 5, 2019.Pastor Abner is married to Angie Nombrado and is now residing with their children and grandchildren in South San Francisco, California.

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Our Mission:


Believing that faith comes through the hearing of God’s Word, we proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ and seek to worship him in all that we do. Glorifying God, Growing Together and Giving Back. This is a church family where everyone matters to God, and has part in pouring our worship and praise to our Great Lord. The Bible is truthfully taught , learned and lived. Evangel Church of Vallejo is the place where you are loved and belong. We delight to grow together in studying the Word of God, be encouraged through fellowship, passionate in prayer being transformed to love and live like Jesus, serving Him through the church in the Vallejo community , around America, and make His glory known so to extend His kingdom across the world.


We really hope you can come trusting our services will be a blessing to you and your whole family.

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